True Trowa Barton's Profile
Organization: Barton Foundation
Age: early 20's
Family: Father: Derkom Barton, Sister: Leia, Niece: Mariemaia
Gundam: Heavyarms
Place of Origin: L3 Colony Cluster
Eye Color: Black 'n beady
Hair Color: Blonde
He lived a good life on the colonies being the son of one of the few rich guys in space. However, his father and him both shared the idea that it would be best if space ruled earth instead of earth ruleing them. So Trowa was traind to be a gundam pilot by Doctor S and S's assistant.
A few days before he was supposed to take off for earth he found out that Doctor S had changed some of the orders and instead of killing most of earth's population, he was to only destroy Oz and anyone who saw him. He didn't like having his father's plans redone so he got angry and confronted Doctor S.
Trowa blew up in Doctor S's face, immedietly after he was shot in the back by S's assistant.
Personality: He's loyal to his father, has an anger problem, and seems to be psychotic considering he has no problem killing dozens of innocent people.
Combat skills: He must be a great mobile suit pilot since he can pilot a gundam. Most likely can do hand to hand combat.
(Info on Trowa Barton provided by Joanie form GWF)
For a shitload more information on the True Trowa Barton, go to my
Episode Zero Section
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