Immediately after the ending credits of the Tenchi TV series were aired a promo for Tenchi Muyo in Love aired. Tenchi Muyo in Love is the first full length feature film released about Tenchi. It also aired on the Sci-Fi channel's Anime festival which occurs annually. In America the movie was imported before the TV series was but after the OAV which got little attention. The showing during the Sci-fi channel's anime festival is what drew me to this series. Tenchi Muyo in love was the only of the Tenchi series to get a large budget. The animation is crisper, the story deeper, and the soundtrack was done in full surround sound. In Japan the movie was released into theaters which is not uncommon in Japan. At the end of the Tenchi Muyo in Love video are the actual promos that were on TV and in coming attractions. A few scenes were cut from the Sci-Fi's channel to save airtime but most of the movie remained intact.
The story begins at GP headquarters. Suddenly an extreme amount of energy is released and the most powerful prisoner in the Galaxy Police's prison escapes. The prisoner is K.A.I.N. He has been trapped in another dimension for a long time and has finally built up enough energy to escape. During his escape he creates a black hole which pulls in the entire headquarters. Galaxy Police headquarters is completely destroyed and there are few survivors. Kiyone and Mihoshi, out on patrol, receive the distress signal, but its too late. Kain builds up great speed and dives into the Earth. He disappears in a fantastic lightshow over Tokyo. Tenchi, who is at home, begins to phase out of existence. This is the first indication that he is going to vanish.
We are then taken to Autumn semester 1970. Here we see schoolchildren going about their daily activities. Mihoshi is here? And Kiyone? Ryoko and Ayeka wearing school uniforms? Outside Sasami, Tenchi and Ryo-Ohki are hiding in the bushes... Back to the present day, Tenchi and the girls are watching old home movies taken on 8mm film. The film they are watching is of a young girl walking through a forest. The girl is Tenchi's mother in her senior year in high school. Suddenly she vanishes and Tenchi flies across the room. He's stuck to a lighted grid on the wall. Washu shows up, and tells them that the Masaki family died out 26 years ago. The shrine around them becomes old and out of repair. While Washu was in her lab she detected a temporal misalignment. Washu comes up with a plan to send everyone back in time 26 years to before Achika, Tenchi's mother is killed. Ryoko shows up at Kiyone and Mihoshi's apartment while they're sleeping and gets them too. Everyone is in one of Washu's machine. Everyone except Mihoshi is not crazy about this idea. The only reason Mihoshi isn't bothered is because she's still asleep. Washu activates the machine and everyone disappears.
Back in 1970 Mihoshi is a literature teacher, just like in the TV series. And teaching the same story about the Demon of Rashoman just like in the TV series. In the classroom there is a mysterious man who keeps getting the attention of Ryoko. Outside during gym class Ayeka had to borrow one of Achika's gym suits while Ryoko borrows one of the gym teacher's. Apparently the gym teacher has jock itch. Tenchi gets the first opportunity to see his mother in a long time.
Later that day after school Achika returns home. When she gets there she meets Ayeka and Ryoko, two exchange students from her class. They will be staying with her and her father, Katsuhito (Yosho). That night Tenchi and the other all meet at the Masaki Shrine. While they're talking about the events of the day. Sasami comes with a message from Washu. She tells them how happy she is that they actually made it to 1970. You see she wasn't sure the time travel experiment would work.
The next day in school Ryoko gets that feeling about the strange man again. Outside in gym class Ayeka and Ryoko are playing volleyball. Ryoko spikes the ball into Ayeka's face leaving an imprint of the ball (this scene was cut from sci-fi's presentation.) They all meet to discuss anything strange, when Tenchi begins to disappear again. They all run off to find her. They find her on a hill with Noboyuki. He's showing her one of his designs for a house. She makes him promise that when he builds this house that she let her see it. They even come up with some ideas together. They nearly share tender feelings, but that doesn't develop. By the way, the house they're designing is Tenchi's house in the future. Sasami uses the shield to keep Tenchi from disappearing. Ryoko spots the strange man nearby. That night Achika tells Ryoko and Ayeka about their school trip to Tokyo which they're going on tomorrow. In the woods Tenchi, Sasami, Mihoshi and Kiyone have set up camp. Kiyone is in a large barrel of water taking a bath when she suddenly disappears. She reappears back in Washu's lab. She's still naked and Washu offers her a towel. Washu narrows the time at which Achika disappears to a few days. They access Yagami's database and discover Kain's past. They discover just what they're up against. Kain will strike in Tokyo between between November 25 and November 28 1970.
So they all headed off to Tokyo for their school trip. A fight breaks out between Ayeka and Ryoko which shorts out the passenger train that they're all on. Everyone gets off the train and the next day, onto a bus. Noboyuki shows Achika his video camera. The first stop is a park in Tokyo. Here is where Noboyuki shot the footage shown earlier. When Noboyuki asks Achika what she wants to be when she grows up she replies..."A bride." Once again Tenchi begins to disappear but Sasami is still with him with the shield. Ryoko sees the strange man again and chases him, but he gets away. The next stop is a market place. Everyone is buying food and simple accessories. The strange man appears again. Ryoko follows him but loses him in a open courtyard. He comes up behind her and tells her that he's Galaxy Police. He tells her that he's here to capture Kain as revenge. He tells her how Kain was last captured by the Galaxy Police and The House of Jurai working together. He's followed him here to stop him from killing all the decedents of the Jurains that captured him. He's here to kill Achika and Yosho. The operative escapes and tells her that he will kill Kain.
Everyone is having a meeting but Kiyone is missing. Until Washu returns her to the past...In the toilet. She's back with a communicator to Washu. They learn that Kain will try to kill Achika at Tokyo Tower. She has created a device that amplifies the psi waves of trees. Using this power she can capture Kain in another dimension. By placing other devices on the statues of 5 ancient holy places called the fudo temples. Red, yellow, blue, black, and white. Tenchi decides that he will be the one to stand by his mother and protect her. He begins to disappear but does not allow Sasami to use the shield. Achika goes through a similar experience at the same time. Everyone splits up on different subway trains to deliver the devices to the fudo temples. I don't know if I'd entrust the delivery of one of the devices by Mihoshi.
At the Tokyo Tower in the observation booth which is closed awaits the GP operative. All of the devices are delivered to the temples. As the elevator makes its ascent to the top of the tower Kain appears. He breaks open the elevator killing or knocking out all its occupants. When he moves in to finish the job he's blasted from above. He goes up to fight the Galaxy Police officer. He easily defeats the operative and kills him. Tenchi, Noboyuki, and Achika run to the top of the tower to place the generator. During his fight with Kain Tenchi screams out ";I won't let you hurt my mom!"; There Achika reveals herself as the one that Kain is looking for before they can fight Tenchi activates the generator and Kain begins to be sucked inside. He grabs Achika who is grabbed by Noboyuki and Tenchi. Tenchi loses his grip and Achika and Noboyuki are pulled in also.
Washu cannot pinpoint their coordinates in subspace so she cannot teleport anyone to them or them out. Washu comes up with a plan to use the dimensional cannon to seal Kain in subspace. The dimensional cannon is used to destroy galaxies. And they're going to use it on a little portal. By linking Ryoko's brainwaves with Tenchi's and using his Jurai power to see through the eyes of his mother. They plan to use Achika's eyes to allow Ryoko to teleport to what Tenchi sees. In subspace Kain is enjoying torturing Noboyuki and Achika. Achika chooses to fight Kain without a weapon. She changes into her combat gear (On the Sci-Fi channel part of this was edited out because you can see Achika's butt.) Since she's unarmed Kain kicks her butt. She manages to simply fend off Kain's attacks. After failing to destroy her he decides to absorb her. Tenchi flies in and attacks Kain. Ryoko and Ayeka rescue his parents. Achika realizes that Tenchi is her son. Tenchi fights Kain but can't succeed in killing him. At one point he drops the sword and Achika picks it up. When she does the sword grows HUGE. The blade absorbs all the energy Kain is using to attack. Achika uses all her power to defeat Kain. Everyone runs away but Achika is caught by Kain. Kiyone fires the cannon to the rift and it hits Kain right in the face. Achika survives and everything is quiet.
Ayeka uses one of Washu's inventions to erase Achika and Noboyuki's memories of them. They say their final good-byes and return to the future. After the battle it was discovered that the power Achika displayed in her battle with Kain caused her life to be shortened. Nine years later Achika gives birth to a baby boy. Noboyuki is allowed to design a building and Noboyuki builds their house. Achika's father, Katsuhito, names the new boy Tenchi. The end.
The ending credits have a special soundtrack called ";The Alchemy of Love"; written by Christopher Franke. Sounds a little like the theme to Legend. After the credits are the actual trailers released on Japanese TV and in the movie theaters. They're not dubbed or even subtitled but their interesting to watch.