Heero's Profile
Name: Heero Yuy
Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Gundam pilot 01
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Hair: Moss Green (Some say it's Dark Brown, I don't know)
Family: Unknown
Gundams: Wing, Wing Zero, Epyon, Mercurious
Age: 15 in AC: 195
Origins: Japanese, L1 Colony Cluster
Gundam Scienist: Doctor J
Nickname: The Perfect Soldier
He was raised to be a soldier against OZ from the day he could walk. He lives for the battle and always tries to destroy himself if he fails a mission. His usual attire being a green tank top, spandex shorts and a rather large pair of sneakers, people underestimate him sometimes, and there is no chance to learn from THAT mistake.... Heero is very anti-social and never hesitates to take a mission and destroy OZ. He was raised by Odin Lowe, The man that assasinated the real Heero Yuy. Some say he's his father but I don't know. When Heero was eight, Odin was killed. That's when heero met Dr. J. He was trained to be the perfect soilder ever since. It is rumored that his real name is Ralph Kurt but I don't know for sure. Nobody has yet been able to penetrate his icy barrier, but one has come close. Relena has apparently touched him in some way for unlike any other, he has not been able to hurt her. He has no feelings for others and he has no emotions. After Heero abandons his Wing Gundam at the Luxsuberg base he ended up getting the Gundam Epyon. After fighting Zechs he trades Zechs for Wing Zero. He is also the test pilot of the Mercurius. Usually, he has an icy glare on his face and when in public, he tries to hide his identity as a Gundam pilot by lowering his abilities. He is the most ruthless of the five pilots.
Heero's outfit is made of Gundamium alloy, that's why he doesn't get hurt often. In the begining of the season, when he was going to kill himself it didn't work. that's because in Episode Zero when the scientist and the Gundam pilots sabatoged Operation Meteor (Yeah, You should read it) Dr. J messed with Heero's suit so he could not kill himself prematurely.
For a shitload more information on Heero go to my
Episode Zero Section
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