Dorothy's Profile
Name: Dorothy Catalonia
Occupation: Helper of the Romafeller Foundation
Eyes: Ice Blue
Hair: Platinum Blond
Family: Her Grandfather
Mobile Suits: None
Origin: European
Age: N/A
Sayings: This is going to be the final battle. I want to imprint this war on my memory.
A daring, war crazed young lady, Dorothy Catalonia has her own ideals. She will strive for peace, but truly lives for the battles on the way. Shet is overly obsessed with war.
Dorothy in a way, idolizes leaders such as Relena and Zechs. Her beliefs are of war and honor. To her, war is beautiful and those who fight the battle are strong and fearless. Overall, war and flattery are Dorothy's life.
----From Joanie of GWF
With long flowing beautiful blonde hair, lavender eyes and long pointy eye browse Dorothy Catalonia has a commanding appearance, but she seems to always plays someone else's sidekick. She was Miss Relena assistant at the Sank kingdom academy, her Grandfathers faithful spy and a loyal trouper under the command of Milliard Peasecraft. However she is quite capable of being a leader. With her smarts & military instinct, despite her slow reflects. She went to a military academy before transferring to the Sank kingdom's school. Her father is the late leader of Oz. Her two way pointed eyebrows that are a family trait is one of the things that stick out about her, some others are her some times annoying laugh, a constant cynical smile and a joy full glee when a battle is about to comments. Some think and say that she loves war. But nothing could be further from the truth, Dorothy's father died in a battle when she was very young, she is very afraid of dying and because of this she has been of the mind set that the only way of surviving is to fight, and as long as you are still fighting you have conquered death. She also feels that the only honorable way to die is when fighting a good battle. Dorothy has many regrets, she had lived in the past because of her beliefs and thus did some bad things, such as constantly annoying Relena, joining up with white fang and worst of all trying to kill Quatre Rebarbra Winner, one of the most loveable of the gundam pilots. Soldiers should be strong and to survive you most be a soldier, thus Dorothy learned how to hide her true feelings behind a mask of cynicism. Even when her Grand father died she refused to cry, but when Trowa Barten said that she was truly a sad sight because she was a woman that couldn't cry, only then did she allow the dam of emotions break. Dorothy is now age 17 and trying to start over and she is no longer living in the past, nor is she of the beliefs that she use to be, though she believes summarily.
For a shitload more information on Dorothy, go to my
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